Source code for postpic.particles._routines

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# Stephan Kuschel 2017
Particle related functions.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import collections

from . import _particlestogrid as ptg
from ..helper import PhysicalConstants
import re

particleshapes = ptg.shapes

# Default values for histogramdd function
histogramdd_defs = {'shape': 2, 'range': None, 'weights': None, 'bins': None}

__all__ = ['histogramdd', 'SpeciesIdentifier']

[docs]def histogramdd(data, **kwargs_in): ''' Creates a histogram of the data. This function has the similar signature and return values as `numpy.histogramdd`. In addition this function supports the `shape` keyword argument to choose the particle shape used. If used with `shape=0` the results of this function and the `numpy.histogramdd` are identical, however, this function is approx. factor 2 or 3 faster. Parameters ---------- data: sequence of ndarray or ndarray (1D or 2D) The input (particle) data for the histogram. * A 1D numpy array (for 1D histogram). * A sequence providing the data for the different axis, i.e. `(datax, datay, dataz)` (preferred). * A (N, D)-array, i.e. `[[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]` -- must be a numpy array! bins: sequence or int The number of bins to use for each dimension range: sequence, optional A sequence of lower and upper bin edges to be used if the edges are not given explicitly in bins. Defaults to the minimum and maximum values along each dimension. weights: 1D numpy array The weights to be used for each data point shape: int possible choices are: * 0 - use nearest grid point (NGP) * 1 - use tophat shape of width 1 bin * 2 - triangular shape (default) * 3 - spline 3 shape Returns ------- H : ndarray the final histogram edges : list A list of D arrays describing the edges for each dimension ''' kwargs = histogramdd_defs.copy() kwargs.update(kwargs_in) try: shape = data.shape if shape[0] > 3 and len(shape) == 2: # (N, D) array # data[:,i] will create a view consuming only microseconds data = [data[:, i] for i in range(shape[1])] except(AttributeError): pass # upcast 1D if length 1 dimensions are omitted if np.isscalar(data[0]): # [1,2,3] data = (data, ) # ([1,2,3],) if len(data) > 3: raise ValueError('Data with len {:} not supported. Maximum is 3D data.'.format(len(data))) if isinstance(kwargs['range'], collections.Iterable) and np.isscalar(kwargs['range'][0]): kwargs['range'] = (kwargs['range'], ) if np.isscalar(kwargs['bins']): kwargs['bins'] = (kwargs['bins'], ) * len(data) if kwargs['bins'] is None: binsdefs = {1: [800], 2: [500, 500], 3: [200, 200, 200]} kwargs['bins'] = binsdefs[len(data)] # data is now (datax, datay, dataz) # make sure each is an ndarray. If it is already, this operation is fast. data = [np.asarray(d, dtype='float64') for d in data] if kwargs['weights'] is not None: kwargs['weights'] = np.asarray(kwargs['weights'], dtype='float64') # 1D, 2D, 3D ranges = [[None, None] for d in data] for ax, d in enumerate(data): for i, f in zip([0, 1], [np.min, np.max]): try: ranges[ax][i] = kwargs['range'][ax][i] if ranges[ax][i] is None: raise TypeError # catch exception and fill value if not np.isscalar(ranges[ax][i]): # if value can be accessed it must be a scalar value raise ValueError('range="{}" not properly formatted.'.format(kwargs['range'])) except(TypeError): ranges[ax][i] = f(d) kwargs['range'] = ranges if len(data) == 1: # ([1,2,3],) kwargs['range'] = kwargs['range'][0] kwargs['bins'] = kwargs['bins'][0] h, xedges = ptg.histogram(data[0], **kwargs) return h, (xedges,) elif len(data) == 2: # [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] h, xedges, yedges = ptg.histogram2d(data[0], data[1], **kwargs) return h, (xedges, yedges) elif len(data) == 3: # [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]] h, xe, ye, ze = ptg.histogram3d(data[0], data[1], data[2], **kwargs) return h, (xe, ye, ze) else: assert False, 'Internal error'
[docs]class SpeciesIdentifier(PhysicalConstants): ''' This Class provides static methods for deriving particle properties from species Names. The only reason for this to be a class is that it can be used as a mixin. ''' def _specdict(mass, charge, ision): return dict(mass=mass *, charge=charge * PhysicalConstants.qe, ision=ision) # if in default, use this _defaults = {'electrongold': _specdict(1, -1, False), 'proton': _specdict(1836.2 * 1, 1, True), 'Proton': _specdict(1836.2 * 1, 1, True), 'ionp': _specdict(1836.2, 1, True), 'ion': _specdict(1836.2 * 12, 1, True), 'c6': _specdict(1836.2 * 12, 1, True), 'ionf': _specdict(1836.2 * 19, 1, True), 'Palladium': _specdict(1836.2 * 106, 0, True), 'Palladium1': _specdict(1836.2 * 106, 1, True), 'Palladium2': _specdict(1836.2 * 106, 2, True), 'Ion': _specdict(1836.2, 1, True), 'Photon': _specdict(0, 0, False), 'Positron': _specdict(1, 1, False), 'positron': _specdict(1, 1, False), 'gold1': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 1, True), 'gold3': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 3, True), 'gold4': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 4, True), 'gold2': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 2, True), 'gold7': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 7, True), 'gold10': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 10, True), 'gold20': _specdict(1836.2 * 197, 20, True)} # unit: amu _masslistelement = {'H': 1, 'He': 4, 'Li': 6.9, 'C': 12, 'N': 14, 'O': 16, 'F': 19, 'Ne': 20.2, 'Na': 23, 'Al': 27, 'Si': 28, 'S': 32, 'Cl': 35.5, 'Ar': 40, 'Ti': 47.9, 'Cr': 52, 'Fe': 55.8, 'Cu': 63.5, 'Zn': 65.4, 'Kr': 83.8, 'Rb': 85.5, 'Zr': 91.2, 'Pd': 106.4, 'Ag': 107.8, 'Sn': 118.7, 'Xe': 131.3, 'W': 183.8, 'Pt': 195, 'Au': 197, 'Hg': 200.6, 'Pb': 207.2}
[docs] @staticmethod def isejected(species): s = species.replace('/', '') r = re.match(r'(ejected_)(.*)', s) return r is not None
[docs] @classmethod def ision(cls, species): return cls.identifyspecies(species)['ision']
[docs] @classmethod def identifyspecies(cls, species): """ Returns a dictionary containing particle informations deduced from the species name. The following keys in the dictionary will always be present: name species name string mass kg (SI) charge C (SI) tracer boolean ejected boolean Valid Examples: Periodic Table symbol + charge state: c6, F2, H1, C6b ionm#c# defining mass and charge: ionm12c2, ionc20m110 advanced examples: ejected_tracer_ionc5m20b, ejected_tracer_electronx, ejected_c6b, tracer_proton, protonb """ ret = {'tracer': False, 'ejected': False, 'name': species} s = species.replace('/', '_') if s in cls._defaults: # if species name is found in cls._defaults use it and # return result. ret.update(cls._defaults[s]) return ret # Regex for parsing ion species name. # See docsting for valid examples regex = r'(?P<prae>(.*_)*)' \ r'((?P<elem>((?!El)[A-Z][a-z]?))(?P<elem_c>\d*)|' \ r'(?P<ionmc>(ionc(?P<c1>\d+)m(?P<m2>\d+)|ionm(?P<m1>\d+)c(?P<c2>\d+)))' \ r')?' \ r'(?P<plus>(Plus)*)' \ r'(?P<electron>[Ee]le[ck])?' \ r'(?P<suffix>\w*?)$' r = re.match(regex, s) if r is None: raise Exception('Species ' + str(s) + ' does not match regex name pattern: ' + str(regex)) regexdict = r.groupdict() # print(regexdict) # recognize anz prae and add dictionary key if regexdict['prae']: for i in regexdict['prae'].split('_'): key = i.replace('_', '') if not key == '': ret[key] = True # Excluding patterns start here # 1) Name Element + charge state: C1, C6, F2, F9, Au20, Pb34a if regexdict['elem']: ret['mass'] = float(cls._masslistelement[regexdict['elem']]) * \ 1836.2 * if regexdict['elem_c'] == '': ret['charge'] = 0 else: ret['charge'] = float(regexdict['elem_c']) * cls.qe ret['ision'] = True # 2) ionmc like elif regexdict['ionmc']: if regexdict['c1']: ret['mass'] = float(regexdict['m2']) * 1836.2 * ret['charge'] = float(regexdict['c1']) * cls.qe ret['ision'] = True if regexdict['c2']: ret['mass'] = float(regexdict['m1']) * 1836.2 * ret['charge'] = float(regexdict['c2']) * cls.qe ret['ision'] = True # charge may be given via plus if regexdict['plus']: charge = len(regexdict['plus'])/4 * cls.qe if ret['charge'] == 0: ret['charge'] = charge # Elektron can be appended to any ion name, so overwrite. if regexdict['electron']: ret['mass'] = ret['charge'] = -1 * cls.qe ret['ision'] = False if not (('mass' in ret) and ('charge' in ret) and ('ision' in ret)): raise Exception('species ' + species + ' not recognized.') return ret