Source code for postpic.particles.particles

# This file is part of postpic.
# postpic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# postpic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with postpic. If not, see <>.
# Stephan Kuschel 2014-2017
Particle related routines.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import copy
import warnings
from ..helper import PhysicalConstants as pc
import scipy.constants
from ._routines import SpeciesIdentifier, histogramdd
from ..helper import deprecated, append_doc_of
from ..datahandling import *
from .scalarproperties import ScalarProperty, ScalarPropertyContext, createdefaultscalarcontext

identifyspecies = SpeciesIdentifier.identifyspecies

# this file
__all__ = ['MultiSpecies', 'ParticleHistory', 'particle_scalars']
# imported
__all__ += ['identifyspecies']

particle_scalars = createdefaultscalarcontext()

def _findscalarattr(scalarf, attrib, default='unknown'):
    Tries to find the scalarf's attribute attrib like name or unit.
    returns None if not found
    ret = None
    if hasattr(scalarf, attrib):
        # scalarf is function or ScalarProperty
        ret = getattr(scalarf, attrib)
    if scalarf in particle_scalars:
        # scalarf is a string
        if hasattr(particle_scalars[scalarf], attrib):
            ret = getattr(particle_scalars[scalarf], attrib)
    return default if ret is None else ret

class _SingleSpecies(object):
    used by the MultiSpecies class only.
    The _SingleSpecies will return atomic particle properties
    (see list below) as given by the dumpreader. Each property can thus
    1) a list (one value for each particle)
    2) a single scalar value if this property is equal for the entire
    species (as usual for 'mass' or 'charge').
    3) raise a KeyError on request if the property wasnt dumped.
    Once initiated, all implemented methods leave the object unchanged.
    A new instance is returned if needed.
    # List of atomic particle properties. Those will be requested from the dumpreader
    # All other particle properties will be calculated from these.
    _atomicprops = ['weight', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'mass', 'charge', 'id', 'time']
    _atomicprops_synonyms = {'w': 'weight', 'm': 'mass', 'q': 'charge', 't': 'time'}

    def __init__(self, dumpreader, species):
        if species not in dumpreader.listSpecies():
            # A better way would be to test if len(self) == 0,
            # but that may require heavy IO
            raise(KeyError('species "{:}" does not exist in {:}'.format(species, dumpreader)))
        self.species = species
        self._dumpreader = dumpreader
        self.compresslog = []
        self._compressboollist = None
        self._cache = {}

        # create a method for every _atomicprops item.
        def makefunc(_self, key):
            def ret(_self):
                return _self._readatomic(key)
            return ret
        for key in self._atomicprops:
            setattr(_SingleSpecies, key, makefunc(self, key))

    def __copy__(self):
        returns a shallow copy of the object.
        This method is called by `copy.copy(obj)`.
        cls = type(self)
        ret = cls.__new__(cls)
        # the content of _cache will be updated in the compress function,
        # But the copy needs its own dictionary
        ret._cache = copy.copy(self._cache)
        return ret

    def dumpreader(self):
        return self._dumpreader

    def __str__(self):
        return '<_SingleSpecies ' + str(self.species) \
            + ' at ' + str(self._dumpreader) \
            + '(' + str(len(self)) + ')>'

    def _readatomic(self, key):
        Reads an atomic property, thus one out of
        weight, x, y, z, px, py, pz, mass, charge, ID
        if key in self._cache:
            return self._cache[key]
        # if not cached, try to to find it
        if key in ['time']:
            ret = self._dumpreader.time()
        elif key in ['mass', 'charge']:
                ret = self._dumpreader.getSpecies(self.species, key)
                # in the special case of mass or charge try to deduce mass or charge
                # from the species name.
                self._idfy = identifyspecies(self.species)
                ret = self._idfy[key]
            ret = self._dumpreader.getSpecies(self.species, key)
        # now that we have got the data, check if compress was used and/or maybe cache value
        ret = np.int64(ret) if key == 'id' else np.float64(ret)
        if ret.shape is ():  # cache single scalars always
            self._cache[key] = ret
        elif self._compressboollist is not None:
            ret = ret[self._compressboollist]  # avoid executing this line too often.
            self._cache[key] = ret
            # if memomry is low, caching could be skipped entirely.
            # See commit message for benchmark.
        return ret

    def filter(self, condition, name=None):
        like compress, but takes a ScalarProperty object instead which is required
        to evalute to a boolean list.
        cond = self(condition)
        if name is None:
            name = condition.expr if is None else
        return self.compress(cond, name=name)

    def compress(self, condition, name='unknown condition'):
        works like numpy.compress.
        Additionaly you can specify a name, that gets saved in the compresslog.

        condition has to be one out of:
        condition =  [True, False, True, True, ... , True, False]
        condition is a list of length N, specifing which particles to keep.
        cfintospectrometer = lambda x: x.angle_offaxis() < 30e-3 = '< 30mrad offaxis'
        condtition = [1, 2, 4, 5, 9, ... , 805, 809]
        condition can be a list of arbitraty length, so only the particles
        with the ids listed here are kept.
        condition = np.asarray(condition)
        if condition.dtype is np.dtype('bool'):
            # Case 1:
            # condition is list of boolean values specifying particles to use
            if not len(self) == len(condition):
                raise ValueError('number of particles ({:7n}) has to match'
                                 'length of condition ({:7n})'
                                 ''.format(len(self), len(condition)))
            ret = copy.copy(self)
            if ret._compressboollist is None:
                ret._compressboollist = condition
                ret._compressboollist[ret._compressboollist] = condition
            for key in ret._cache:
                if ret._cache[key].shape is not ():
                    ret._cache[key] = ret._cache[key][condition]
            ret.compresslog = np.append(self.compresslog, name)
            return ret
            # Case 2:
            # condition is list of particle IDs to use
            condition = np.asarray(condition, dtype='int')
            # same as
            # bools = np.array([idx in condition for idx in self.ID()])
            # but benchmarked to be 1500 times faster :)
            ids =
            idx = np.searchsorted(condition, ids)
            idx[idx == len(condition)] = 0
            bools = condition[idx] == ids
            return self.compress(bools, name=name)

    def uncompress(self):
        Discard all previous runs of 'compress'
        return type(self)(self.dumpreader, self.species)

    # --- Only very basic functions

    def __len__(self):  # = number of particles
        # find a valid dataset to count number of paricles
        # return 0 if no valid dataset can be found
        ret = 0
        if self._compressboollist is not None:
            return np.count_nonzero(self._compressboollist)
        for key in self._atomicprops:
                # len(3) will yield a TypeError, len([3]) returns 1
                ret = len(self._readatomic(key))
            except(TypeError, KeyError):
        return ret

    def initial_npart(self):
        return the original number of particles.
        if self._compressboollist is None:
            return len(self)
            return len(self._compressboollist)

    # --- The Interface for particle properties using __call__ ---

    def _eval_single_sp(self, sp, _vars=None):
        # sp MUST be ScalarProperty
        # this docsting is forwared to __call__
        Variable resolution order:
        1. try to find the value as a atomic particle property.
        2. try to find the value as a defined particle property in `particle_scalars`.
        3. if not found look for an equally named attribute in `scipy.constants`.
        _vars = dict() if _vars is None else _vars
        expr = sp.expr
        for name in sp.input_names:
            # load each variable needed
            if name in _vars:
                # already loaded -> skip
            fullname = self._atomicprops_synonyms.get(name, name)
            if fullname in _vars:
                _vars[name] = _vars[fullname]
            if fullname in self._atomicprops:
                _vars[name] = getattr(self, fullname)()
            if name in particle_scalars:  # the public list of scalar values
                _vars[name] = self._eval_single_sp(particle_scalars[name], _vars=_vars)
            for source in [np, scipy.constants]:
                    _vars[name] = getattr(source, name)
            if name not in _vars:
                raise KeyError('"{}" not found!'.format(name))
        return sp.evaluate(_vars)

    def __call__(self, sp, _vars=None):
        if not isinstance(sp, ScalarProperty):
            raise TypeError('Argument must be a ScalarProperty object')
        return self._eval_single_sp(sp, _vars=_vars)

[docs]class MultiSpecies(object): """ The MultiSpecies class. Different MultiSpecies can be added together to create a combined collection. **kwargs -------- ignore_missing_species = False set to true to ignore missing species. The MultiSpecies class will return a list of values for every particle property. """ def __init__(self, dumpreader, *speciess, **kwargs): # create 'empty' MultiSpecies self._ssas = [] self._species = None # trivial name if set self._compresslog = [] # add particle species one by one for s in speciess: self.add(dumpreader, s, **kwargs) def __copy__(self): ''' returns a shallow copy of the object. This method is called by `copy.copy(obj)`. ''' cls = type(self) ret = cls.__new__(cls) ret.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) ret._ssas = copy.copy(self._ssas) ret._compresslog = copy.copy(self._compresslog) return ret def __str__(self): n = len(self) i = self.initial_npart if n == i: return '<MultiSpecies including "' + str(self.species) + '"' \ + '({})>'.format(n) else: return '<MultiSpecies including "' + str(self.species) + '"' \ + '({}/{} -- {:.2f}%)>'.format(n, i, n/i*100) @property def dumpreader(self): ''' returns the dumpreader if the dumpreader of **all** species are pointing to the same dump. This should be mostly the case. Otherwise returns None. ''' try: dr0 = self._ssas[0].dumpreader if all([dr0 == ssa.dumpreader for ssa in self._ssas]): return dr0 except(IndexError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def simextent(self, axis): ''' the combined simextent for all species and dumps included in this MultiSpecies object. ''' extents = np.asarray([ssa.dumpreader.simextent(axis) for ssa in self._ssas]) mins = np.min(extents, axis=0)[::2] maxs = np.max(extents, axis=0)[1::2] return np.asarray([mins, maxs]).T.flatten()
[docs] def simgridpoints(self, axis): ''' this function is for convenience only and is likely to be removed in the future. Particlarly it is impossible to define the grid of the simulation if the MultiSpecies object consists of multiple dumps from different simulations. ''' try: ret = self._ssas[0].dumpreader.simgridpoints(axis) except(AttributeError, KeyError): return None
@property def npart(self): ''' Number of Particles. ''' ret = 0 for ssa in self._ssas: ret += len(ssa) return ret @property def initial_npart(self): ''' Original number of particles (before the use of compression or filter). ''' ret = 0 for ssa in self._ssas: ret += ssa.initial_npart() return ret @property def nspecies(self): ''' Number of species. ''' return len(self._ssas) def __len__(self): return self.npart @property def species(self): ''' returns an string name for the species involved. Basically only returns unique names from all species (used for plotting and labeling purposes -- not for completeness). May be overwritten. ''' if self._species is not None: # return trivial name if set return self._species return ' '.join(set(self.speciess)) @species.setter def species(self, species): self._species = species @property def name(self): ''' an alias to self.species ''' return self.species @property def speciess(self): ''' a complete list of all species involved. ''' return [ssa.species for ssa in self._ssas]
[docs] def add(self, dumpreader, species, ignore_missing_species=False): ''' adds a species to this MultiSpecies. This function modifies the current Object and always returns None. Attributes ---------- species can be a single species name or a reserved name for collection of species, such as ions adds all available particles that are ions nonions adds all available particles that are not ions ejected noejected all Optional arguments -------- ignore_missing_species = False set to True to ignore if the species is missing. ''' keys = {'_ions': lambda s: identifyspecies(s)['ision'], '_nonions': lambda s: not identifyspecies(s)['ision'], '_ejected': lambda s: identifyspecies(s)['ejected'], '_noejected': lambda s: not identifyspecies(s)['ejected'], '_all': lambda s: True} if species in keys: ls = dumpreader.listSpecies() toadd = [s for s in ls if keys[species](s)] for s in toadd: self.add(dumpreader, s) else: if ignore_missing_species: try: self._ssas.append(_SingleSpecies(dumpreader, species)) except(KeyError): pass else: self._ssas.append(_SingleSpecies(dumpreader, species)) return
# --- Operator overloading def __add__(self, other): # self + other ret = copy.copy(self) ret += other return ret def __iadd__(self, other): # self += other ''' adding MultiSpecies should give the feeling as if you were adding their particle lists. Thats why there is no append function. Compare those outputs (numpy.array handles that differently!): a=[1,2,3]; a.append([4,5]); print a [1,2,3,[4,5]] a=[1,2,3]; a += [4,5]; print a [1,2,3,4,5] This function modifies the current object. Same as a = [1,2]; b = a; b+=[7,8]; print(a,b) [1, 2, 7, 8] [1, 2, 7, 8] ''' for ssa in other._ssas: self._ssas.append(copy.copy(ssa)) return self # --- compress related functions ---
[docs] def filter(self, condition, name=None): ''' like compress, but takes a ScalarProperty or a str, which are required to evaluate to a boolean list to filter particles. This is the preferred method to filter particles by a value of their property. Returns a new MultiSpecies instance. ''' if isinstance(condition, ScalarProperty): sp = condition else: sp = particle_scalars(condition) ret = copy.copy(self) ret._ssas = [ssa.filter(sp, name=name) for ssa in self._ssas] ret._compresslog = np.append(self._compresslog, str(condition)) return ret
[docs] def compress(self, condition, name='unknown condition'): """ works like numpy.compress. Returns a new MultiSpecies instance. Additionaly you can specify a name, that gets saved in the compresslog. condition has to be one out of: 1) condition = [True, False, True, True, ... , True, False] condition is a list of length N, specifing which particles to keep. Example: cfintospectrometer = lambda x: x.angle_offaxis() < 30e-3 = '< 30mrad offaxis' pa.compress(cfintospectrometer(pa), 2) condition = [1, 2, 4, 5, 9, ... , 805, 809] condition can be a list of arbitraty length, so only the particles with the ids listed here are kept. **kwargs -------- name -- name the condition. This can later be reviewed by calling 'self.compresslog()' """ condition = np.asarray(condition) i = 0 ret = copy.copy(self) for ssai, ssa in enumerate(self._ssas): # condition is list of booleans if condition.dtype == np.dtype('bool'): n = len(ssa) ret._ssas[ssai] = ssa.compress(condition[i:i + n], name=name) i += n else: # condition is list of particle IDs ret._ssas[ssai] = ssa.compress(condition, name=name) ret._compresslog = np.append(self._compresslog, name) return ret
# --- user friendly functions
[docs] def compressfn(self, conditionf, name='unknown condition'): ''' like "compress", but accepts a function. Returns a new MultiSpecies instance. **kwargs -------- name -- name the condition. ''' if hasattr(conditionf, 'name'): name = return self.compress(conditionf(self), name=name)
[docs] def uncompress(self): ''' Returns a new MultiSpecies instance, with all previous calls of "compress" or "filter" undone. ''' ret = copy.copy(self) ret._compresslog = [] ret._ssas = [s.uncompress() for s in self._ssas] return ret
[docs] def getcompresslog(self): ret = {'all': self._compresslog} for ssa in self._ssas: ret.update({ssa.species: ssa.compresslog}) return ret
# --- Methods to access particle properties @append_doc_of(_SingleSpecies.__call__) def __call__(self, expr): ''' Access to particle properties via the expression, which is used to calculate them. This is **only** function to actually access the data. Every other function which allows data access must call this one internally! Supported Types: ---------------- * ScalarProperty * str: will be converted to a ScalarProperty by particle_scalars.__call__. Therefore known quantities will be recognized * callable, that acts on the MultiSpecies object. This will work, but maybe removed in a future release. Examples -------- self('x') self('sqrt(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)') ''' if isinstance(expr, ScalarProperty): # best case return self.__call_sp(expr) try: bs = basestring # python2 except(NameError): bs = str # python3 if isinstance(expr, bs): # create temporary ScalarProperty object sp = particle_scalars(expr) return self.__call_sp(sp) else: return self.__call_func(expr) def __call_sp(self, sp): # sp MUST be ScalarProperty def ssdata(ss): a = ss(sp) if a.shape is (): a = np.repeat(a, len(ss)) return a if len(self._ssas) == 0: # Happens, if only missing species were added with # ignore_missing_species = True. return np.array([]) data = (ssdata(ss) for ss in self._ssas) return np.hstack(data) def __call_func(self, func): # hope it does what it should... s = ''' You are accessing particle properties via the function {}. The Calculation of particle properties using functions is deprecated. Use a str or a ScalarProperty object instead. This will also allow postic to enable certain optimizations. When in doubt, use the str. '''.format(str(func)) warnings.warn(s, category=DeprecationWarning) return func(self) # --- "A scalar for every particle"-functions.
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def time(self): return self('time') = 'time' time.unit = 's'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def weight(self): return self('weight') = 'Particle weight' weight.unit = 'npartpermacro'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("id") instead.') def ID(self): return self('id')
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def mass(self): # SI return self('mass')
mass.unit = 'kg' = 'm'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def mass_u(self): return self('mass_u')
mass_u.unit = 'u' = 'm'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def charge(self): # SI return self('charge')
charge.unit = 'C' = 'q'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def charge_e(self): return self('charge_e')
charge.unit = 'qe' = 'q'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Eruhe(self): return self('Eruhe')
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("px") instead.') def Px(self): return self('px')
Px.unit = '' = 'Px'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("py") instead.') def Py(self): return self('py')
Py.unit = '' = 'Py'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("pz") instead.') def Pz(self): return self('pz')
Pz.unit = '' = 'Pz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("p") instead.') def P(self): return self('p')
P.unit = '' = 'P'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("x") instead.') def X(self): return self('x')
X.unit = 'm' = 'X'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("x_um") instead.') def X_um(self): return self('x_um')
X_um.unit = r'$\mu m$' = 'X'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("y") instead.') def Y(self): return self('y')
Y.unit = 'm' = 'Y'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("Y_mu") instead.') def Y_um(self): return self('y_um')
Y_um.unit = r'$\mu m$' = 'Y'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("z") instead.') def Z(self): return self('z')
Z.unit = 'm' = 'Z'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("z_um") instead.') def Z_um(self): return self('z_um')
Z_um.unit = r'$\mu m$' = 'Z'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def beta(self): return self('beta')
beta.unit = r'$\beta$' = 'beta'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def betax(self): return self('betax')
betax.unit = r'$\beta$' = 'betax'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def betay(self): return self('betay')
betay.unit = r'$\beta$' = 'betay'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def betaz(self): return self('betaz')
betaz.unit = r'$\beta$' = 'betaz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("v") instead.') def V(self): return self('v')
V.unit = 'm/s' = 'V'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("vx") instead.') def Vx(self): return self('vx')
Vx.unit = 'm/s' = 'Vx'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("vy") instead.') def Vy(self): return self('vy')
Vy.unit = 'm/s' = 'Vy'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("vz") instead.') def Vz(self): return self('vz')
Vz.unit = 'm/s' = 'Vz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def gamma(self): return self('gamma')
gamma.unit = r'$\gamma$' = 'gamma'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def gamma_m1(self): return self('gamma_m1')
gamma_m1.unit = r'$\gamma - 1$' = 'gamma_m1'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin(self): return self('Ekin')
Ekin.unit = 'J' = 'Ekin'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_MeV(self): return self('Ekin_MeV')
Ekin_MeV.unit = 'MeV' = 'Ekin'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_MeV_amu(self): return self('Ekin_MeV_amu')
Ekin_MeV_amu.unit = 'MeV / amu' = 'Ekin / amu'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_MeV_qm(self): return self('Ekin_MeV_qm')
Ekin_MeV_qm.unit = 'MeV*q/m' = 'Ekin * q/m'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_keV(self): return self('Ekin_keV')
Ekin_keV.unit = 'keV' = 'Ekin'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_keV_amu(self): return self('Ekin_keV_amu')
Ekin_keV_amu.unit = 'keV / amu' = 'Ekin / amu'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def Ekin_keV_qm(self): return self('Ekin_keV_qm')
Ekin_keV_qm.unit = 'keV*q/m' = 'Ekin * q/m'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_xy(self): return self('angle_xy')
angle_xy.unit = 'rad' = 'anglexy'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_yz(self): return self('ange_yz')
angle_yz.unit = 'rad' = 'angleyz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_zx(self): return self('angle_zx')
angle_zx.unit = 'rad' = 'anglezx'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_yx(self): return self('angle_yx')
angle_yx.unit = 'rad' = 'angleyx'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_zy(self): return self('angle_zy')
angle_zy.unit = 'rad' = 'anglezy'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_xz(self): return self('angle_xz')
angle_xz.unit = 'rad' = 'anglexz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def angle_xaxis(self): return self('angle_xaxis')
angle_xaxis.unit = 'rad' = 'angle_xaxis'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def r_xy(self): return self('r_xy')
r_xy.unit = 'm' = 'r_xy'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def r_yz(self): return self('r_yz')
r_yz.unit = 'm' = 'r_yz'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def r_zx(self): return self('r_zx')
r_zx.unit = 'm' = 'r_zx'
[docs] @deprecated('Use self("{name}") instead.') def r_xyz(self): return self('r_xyz')
r_xyz.unit = 'm' = 'r_xyz' # ---- Functions for measuring particle collection related values
[docs] def mean(self, expr, weights='1'): ''' the mean of a value given by the function func. The particle weight of the individual particles will be included in the calculation. An additional weight can be given as well. ''' w = self('weight * ({})'.format(weights)) return np.average(self(expr), weights=w)
[docs] def var(self, expr, weights='1'): ''' variance ''' w = self('weight * ({})'.format(weights)) data = self(expr) m = np.average(data, weights=w) return np.average((data - m)**2, weights=w)
[docs] def quantile(self, expr, q, weights='1'): ''' The qth-quantile of the distribution. ''' if q < 0 or q > 1: raise ValueError('Quantile q ({:}) must be in range [0, 1]'.format(q)) w = self('weight * ({})'.format(weights)) data = self(expr) sortidx = np.argsort(data) wcs = np.cumsum(w[sortidx]) idx = np.searchsorted(wcs, wcs[-1]*np.asarray(q)) return data[sortidx[idx]]
[docs] def median(self, expr, weights='1'): ''' The median ''' return self.quantile(expr, 0.5, weights=weights)
# ---- Functions to create a Histogram. --- def _createHistgram(self, *sps, **kwargs): """ Creates an 3d Histogram. Attributes ---------- *sps : a kind, that self.__call__ can evalute to returns a list of scalar values for the x/y/z axis. simgrid : boolean, optional enforces the same grid as used in the simulation. Implies simextent=True. Defaults to False. simextent : boolean, optional enforces, that the axis show the same extent as used in the simulation. Defaults to False. weights : function, optional applies additional weights to the macroparticles, for example 'gamma' or 'q' to weight the particle by its charge. Defaults to '1' (no additional weight). rangex : list of two values, optional the xrange to include into the histogram Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. rangey : list of two values, optional the yrange to include into the histogram Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. rangez : list of two values, optional the zrange to include into the histogram Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. """ optargsh = kwargs.pop('optargsh', {}) simextent = kwargs.pop('simextent', False) simgrid = kwargs.pop('simgrid', False) rangex = kwargs.pop('rangex', None) rangey = kwargs.pop('rangey', None) rangez = kwargs.pop('rangez', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', '1') force = kwargs.pop('force', False) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise TypeError("got an unexpected keyword argument {}'".format(kwargs)) if len(sps) > 3: raise TypeError('Only 1D, 2D or 3D Histograms can be created.') if simgrid: simextent = True if force: try: data = [self(sp) for sp in sps] except (KeyError): data = [[]] # Return empty histogram else: data = [self(sp) for sp in sps] # TODO: Falls rangex oder rangey gegeben ist, # ist die Gesamtteilchenzahl falsch berechnet, weil die Teilchen die # ausserhalb des sichtbaren Bereiches liegen mitgezaehlt werden. ranges = [rangex, rangey, rangez] if simextent: for i, sp in enumerate(sps): tmp = self.simextent(getattr(sp, 'symbol', sp)) ranges[i] = tmp if tmp is not None else ranges[i] if simgrid: for i, sp in enumerate(sps): tmp = self.simgridpoints(getattr(sp, 'symbol', sp)) if tmp is not None: optargsh['bins'][i] = tmp if len(data[0]) == 0: # no data points. create empy histogram h = np.zeros(optargsh['bins']) def createedges(rangei, n): if rangei is not None: return np.linspace(rangei[0], rangei[1], n + 1) else: return np.linspace(0, 1, n + 1) edges = [createedges(r, optargsh['bins'][i]) for i, r in zip(range(len(h)), ranges)] return h, edges # empty histogram: h == 0 everywhere w = self('weight * ({})'.format(weights)) # Particle Size * additional weights h, edges = histogramdd(data, weights=w, range=ranges, **optargsh) dV =[edge[1] - edge[0] for edge in edges]) h /= dV return h, edges # h, (xedges, yedges, zedges)
[docs] def createField(self, *sps, **kwargs): """ Creates an n-d Histogram enclosed in a Field object. Parameters ---------- *sps list of scalarfunctions/strings/scalar-properties, that will be evaluated to data for each axis. the number of args given determins the dimensionality of the field returned by this function (maximum 3) name: string, optional addes a name. usually used for generating savenames. Defaults to "distfn". title: string, options overrides the title. Autocreated if title==None. Defaults to None. rangex : list of two values, optional the xrange to include into the histogram. Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. rangey : list of two values, optional the yrange to include into the histogram. Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. rangez : list of two values, optional the zrange to include into the histogram. Defaults to None, determins the range by the range of scalars given. """ name = kwargs.pop('name', 'distfn') title = kwargs.pop('title', None) h, edges = self._createHistgram(*sps, **kwargs) edgekwargs = {name: edg for name, edg in zip(['xedges', 'yedges', 'zedges'], edges)} ret = Field(h, **edgekwargs) if 'weights' in kwargs: name = _findscalarattr(kwargs['weights'], 'name') = name + self.species ret.label = self.species = title if title else # override if title is given for i, sp in enumerate(sps): ret.axes[i].unit = _findscalarattr(sp, 'unit') ret.axes[i].name = _findscalarattr(sp, 'name') ret.infostring = '{:.0f} npart in {:.0f} species'.format(self.npart, self.nspecies) ret.infos = self.getcompresslog()['all'] return ret
[docs]class ParticleHistory(object): ''' Represents a list of particles including their history that can be found in all the dumps defined by the simulation reader sr. Parameters ---------- sr: iterable of datareader a collection of datareader to use. Usually a Simulationreader object speciess: string or iterable of strings a species name or a list of species names. Those particles can be included into the history. ids: iterable of int list of ids to use (default: None). If this is None all particles in speciess will be tracked. If a list of ids is given, these ids will be serached in speciess only. ''' def __init__(self, sr, speciess, ids=None): # the simulation reader (collection of dumpreader) = sr # list of species names to search in for the particle id self.speciess = [speciess] if type(speciess) is str else speciess if ids is None: self.ids = self._findids() # List of integers else: self.ids = np.asarray(ids, # lookup dict used by collect self._updatelookupdict() def __copy__(self): ''' returns a shallow copy of the object. This method is called by `copy.copy(obj)`. ''' cls = type(self) ret = cls.__new__(cls) ret.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) # _updatelookupdict creates a new _id2i dictionary. Therefore no need to copy that here. return ret def _updatelookupdict(self): ''' updates `self._id2i`. `self._id2i` is a dictionary mapping from a particle ID to the array index of that particle. ''' self._id2i = {self.ids[i]: i for i in range(len(self.ids))} def _findids(self): ''' finds which ids are prensent in all dumps and the speciess specified. ''' idsfound = set() for dr in ms = MultiSpecies(dr, *self.speciess, ignore_missing_species=True) idsfound |= set(ms('id')) del ms return np.asarray(list(idsfound), def __len__(self): # counts the number of particles present return len(self.ids) def _collectfromdump(self, dr, scalarfs): ''' dr - the dumpreader scalarfs - a list of functions which return scalar values when applied to a dumpreader Returns: list of ids, [list scalar values, list of scalar values, ... ] ''' ms = MultiSpecies(dr, *self.speciess, ignore_missing_species=True) ms.compress(self.ids) scalars = np.zeros((len(scalarfs), len(ms))) for i in range(len(scalarfs)): scalars[i, :] = ms(scalarfs[i]) ids = ms('id') del ms # close file to not exceed limit of max open files return ids, scalars
[docs] def skip(self, n): ''' takes only everth (n+1)-th particle ''' ret = copy.copy(self) ret.ids = self.ids[::n+1] ret._updatelookupdict() return ret
[docs] def collect(self, *scalarfs): ''' Collects the given particle properties for all particles for all times. Parameters: ----------- *scalarfs: the scalarfunction(s) defining the particle property Returns: -------- numpy.ndarray holding the different particles in the same order as the list of `self.ids`, meaning the particle on position `particle_idx` has the ID `self.ids[particle_idx]`. every array element holds the history for a single particle. Indexorder of returned array: [particle_idx][scalarf_idx, collection_idx] ''' particlelist = [list() for _ in range(len(self.ids))] for dr in ids, scalars = self._collectfromdump(dr, scalarfs) for k in range(len(ids)): i = self._id2i[ids[k]] particlelist[i].append(scalars[:, k]) ret = [np.asarray(p).T for p in particlelist] return ret