Source code for postpic.datareader.epochsdf

# This file is part of postpic.
# postpic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# postpic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Copyright Stephan Kuschel 2014, 2015
# Alexander Blinne, 2017
.. _EPOCH:
.. _SDF:

Reader for SDF_ File format written by the EPOCH_ Code.

  - sdf: The actual python reader for the .sdf file format written in C.
    It is part of the EPOCH_ code base and needs to be
    compiled and installed from there.

Written by Stephan Kuschel 2014, 2015
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from . import Dumpreader_ifc
from . import Simulationreader_ifc
import numpy as np
import re
from .. import helper
from warnings import warn

__all__ = ['Sdfreader', 'Visitreader']

# The default staggering of the Grid.
# Newer versions of EPOCH dump it (certainly v4.9.2)
# older versions dont. The defaults will only be used,
# if the stagger was not found in the dump.
_default_stagger = {'Electric Field/Ex': 1,
                    'Electric Field/Ey': 2,
                    'Electric Field/Ez': 4,
                    'Magnetic Field/Bx': 6,
                    'Magnetic Field/By': 5,
                    'Magnetic Field/Bz': 3,
                    'Current/Jx': 1,
                    'Current/Jy': 2,
                    'Current/Jz': 4}
_default_stagger.update({k+'_averaged': v for k, v in _default_stagger.items()})

[docs]class Sdfreader(Dumpreader_ifc): ''' The Reader implementation for Data written by the EPOCH_ Code in .sdf format. Written for SDF v2.2.0 or higher. SDF_ can be obtained without EPOCH_ from SDF_. Args: sdffile : String A String containing the relative Path to the .sdf file. ''' def __init__(self, sdffile, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(sdffile, **kwargs) import os.path import sdf try: sdfversion = sdf.__version__ except(AttributeError): sdfversion = '0.0.0' if sdfversion < '2.2.0': raise ImportError('Upgrade sdf package to 2.2.0 or higher.') if not os.path.isfile(sdffile): raise IOError('File "' + str(sdffile) + '" doesnt exist.') self._sdffile = sdffile self._sdfreader =, dict=True) # --- Level 0 methods ---
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self._sdfreader.keys())
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._sdfreader[key]
[docs] def dumpsize(self): ''' returns the file size of the sdf file in bytes. ''' import os return os.path.getsize(self._sdffile)
# --- Level 1 methods ---
[docs] def data(self, key): return self[key].data
[docs] def gridoffset(self, key, axis): axid = helper.axesidentify[axis] dx = self.gridspacing(key, axis) if hasattr(self[key], 'stagger'): # best case: stagger is saved stagger = self[key].stagger elif key in _default_stagger: stagger = _default_stagger[key] elif key.startswith('Derived/'): # c_stagger_cell_centre in EPOCH code stagger = 0 else: warn('Stagger of "{:}" could not be found. \ Assuming no stagger (that is cell center).'.format(key)) stagger = 0 staggered = stagger & (1 << axid) if staggered: return self[key][axid][0] - dx/2.0 else: return self[key][axid][0] - dx/2.0
[docs] def gridspacing(self, key, axis): axid = helper.axesidentify[axis] grid = self[key].grid extent = float(grid.extents[axid + len(grid.dims)] - grid.extents[axid]) return extent / (grid.dims[axid]-1)
[docs] def gridpoints(self, key, axis): axid = helper.axesidentify[axis] return self[key].dims[axid]
# --- Level 2 methods ---
[docs] def timestep(self): return self['Header']['step']
[docs] def time(self): return np.float64(self['Header']['time'])
[docs] def simdimensions(self): return int(re.match(r'Epoch(\d)d', self['Header']['code_name']).group(1))
def _keyE(self, component, average=False): axsuffix = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z'}[helper.axesidentify[component]] ret = 'Electric Field/E' + axsuffix if average: ret += '_averaged' return ret def _keyB(self, component, average=False): axsuffix = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z'}[helper.axesidentify[component]] ret = 'Magnetic Field/B' + axsuffix if average: ret += '_averaged' return ret
[docs] def simextent(self, axis): ''' Returns the extent of the actual simulation box. ''' m = self['Grid/Grid'] extents = m.extents dims = len(m.dims) axid = helper.axesidentify[axis] return np.array([extents[axid], extents[axid + dims]])
[docs] def simgridpoints(self, axis): ''' Returns the number of grid points of the actual simulation. ''' mesh = self['Grid/Grid'] axid = helper.axesidentify[axis] return mesh.dims[axid] - 1
[docs] def listSpecies(self): ret = set() for key in list(self.keys()): match = re.match(r'Particles/\w+/([\w-]+(/[\w-]+)?)', key) if match: ret.add( ret = list(ret) ret.sort() return ret
[docs] def getSpecies(self, species, attrib): """ Returns one of the attributes out of (x,y,z,px,py,pz,weight,ID,mass,charge) of this particle species. raises KeyError if the requested species or property wasnt dumped. """ attribid = helper.attribidentify[attrib] options = {9: lambda s: self['Particles/Weight/' + s].data, 0: lambda s: self['Grid/Particles/' + s].data[0], 1: lambda s: self['Grid/Particles/' + s].data[1], 2: lambda s: self['Grid/Particles/' + s].data[2], 3: lambda s: self['Particles/Px/' + s].data, 4: lambda s: self['Particles/Py/' + s].data, 5: lambda s: self['Particles/Pz/' + s].data, 10: lambda s: self['Particles/ID/' + s].data, 11: lambda s: self['Particles/Mass/' + s].data, 12: lambda s: self['Particles/Charge/' + s].data} try: ret = options[attribid](species) except(IndexError): raise KeyError('Attribute "{}" of species "{}" not found.'.format(attrib, species)) return ret
[docs] def getderived(self): ''' Returns all Keys starting with "Derived/". ''' ret = [] for key in list(self.keys()): r = re.match(r'Derived/[\w/ ]*', key) if r: ret.append( ret.sort() return ret
def __repr__(self): return '<Sdfreader at "{:}">'.format(self.dumpidentifier)
[docs]class Visitreader(Simulationreader_ifc): ''' Reads a series of dumps specified in a .visit file. This is specifically written for .visit files from the EPOCH_ code, but should also work for any other code using these files. ''' def __init__(self, visitfile, dumpreadercls=Sdfreader, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(visitfile, **kwargs) self.visitfile = visitfile self.dumpreadercls = dumpreadercls import os.path if not os.path.isfile(visitfile): raise IOError('File "' + str(visitfile) + '" doesnt exist.') self._dumpfiles = [] with open(visitfile) as f: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(visitfile)) for line in f: self._dumpfiles.append(os.path.join(path, line.replace('\n', ''))) def __len__(self): return len(self._dumpfiles) def _getDumpreader(self, index): return self.dumpreadercls(self._dumpfiles[index]) def __repr__(self): return '<Visitreader at "{:}" ({:} dumps)>'.format(self.visitfile, len(self))